Paleo Weight Gain - Paleo Made Me Gain Weight!!
I have been seeing online lately people commenting about the Paleo diet making them actually gain weight…and I am not talking muscle, I am talking fat.
I find it odd that people are actually getting in worse shape while eating Paleo. I came to the conclusion these people must be practicing the FAILEO diet instead of the Paleo diet.
So if you are gaining weight in all the wrong places, perhaps it is time to take a step back and go over a few
-Am I obese? If yes, avoid fruits which are allowed on the Paleo Diet. the fructose from the fruit will not be helping your weight loss goals – once you are lean and deserve it, include fruit.
-Am I mixing Paleo foods with non Paleo foods? If yes, STOP! If you really want to get in shape, then do it!What do you want more; a sexy physique or a handful of chips? If you are needing motivation, write your goal down on your mirror so you see it every morning.
-Are you eating too much fat? If yes, evaluate your fat sources and figure out the ratio of fat/protein/carb. If fat is extremely high, replace some fat with lean protein. I love fat, but it is calorically dense and can quickly add calories to your day.
-Are you eating a lot of nuts? Nuts are full of healthy nutrients but also full of calories due to the fact. Eat these if you can, but if you are gaining unwanted weight, consider limiting/eliminating.
-Are you exercising? If no, try to get moving twice each day. Even as much as a 15-20 min walk around the
block twice a day can get the blood pumpin’ and will help your metabolism.
-Have you talked to your doctor? If no, do so. Sometimes there are medical issues that only a doctor can determine. Don’t be afraid for a check-up ever once in a while and get some blood work done. Who
wouldn’t want to know how much free testosterone is in their blood?
Still gaining weight on the Paleo Diet? If so, I hope it’s muscle. There is no reason anybody should be gaining unwanted weight while on the Paleo Diet. Questions? Comment below!