What is Omega 3 Fish Oil?
Fish oil pills, everybody and their parents are taking it, but why? It makes me happy to see people getting off the “fats are bad for us” or Lipid Hypothesis bandwagon; however I am willing to bet most people don’t know why they’re taking this fish oil supplement. Due to the importance of the Omega 3 Fatty Acid in the diet, I am turning this into a 3 part article; what are Omega 3 fatty acids, the benefits, and how much should we take to pack on lean muscle.
Whats up with Healthy Fats? DHA and EPA - What mom didn't tell you
Omega 3 Fatty Acids DHA and EPA are the mega nutrients! DHA is the main fatty acid found in the brain, eyes and nerves! DHA has been shown to help with cell and brain development (memory, behavior, mood). Check out this article for multiple studies showing the effects of Omega-3’s in both elderly and young with brain
disorders (dementia,ADHD). EPA is more responsible for delivering blood to the brain affecting mood and behavior.
The Short Chain Fatty Acid included in the Omega 3 group is Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA). This fatty acid is often added to foods for marketing purposes. However the truth is that ALA’s are inferior to DHA/EPA because it must be converted over to DHA/EPA before it can be used.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Our Cells - Want to Lose Weight? Pay Attention Here!
Our bodies are made of many cells. Messages are sent and received in the cells that make up our bodies. The importance of Omega 3 fatty acids and our cells lie within the shipping and receiving department. Every cell in our body (including fat cells) is surrounded by a cell membrane. The membrane is the protector, allowing messages in and out (like I am hungry or full). If these type messages are not transported, your brain will never get the message that you have eaten enough and your appetite will never be filled.
The fluidity/rigidity of the membrane is dependent on what it is made of. Saturated fats tend to harden the membrane, while unsaturated fats (like Omega 3) allow the membrane to soften to allow messages in and out. There must be a happy median.
It is easy to see why this is important. Many people today are not getting enough healthy fats and due to an unhealthy diet, messages may not be getting communicated as efficiently as they could be…leading to overeating. This can all be solved by simply intaking more omega 3 fatty acids.
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