Vegetarian Fed Beef = Grass Fed Beef? Wait, What???

“Humanely raised, vegetarian fed and grown without the use of
antibiotics or growth hormones” is the advertisement I always see when I enter New Seasons Market for their “Country Natural Beef”.
“We’re not hurting the land; we’re working with it” claims Connie Hatfield from CNB. Hell yes, I am down with that. But hold on a minute I came here for grass fed beef...
I am 100% for preservation and happy cows (and dogs everywhere), however are we really getting the whole picture? While I know Country Natural Beef and New Seasons Market is definitely a step in the right direction, I’m not sure we are getting the entire story here.
This is why I am pissed! I love 100% Grass Fed Ground Beef! What can I say? I ran out of my cow and now rely on stores like New Seasons or Whole Foods for my Grass Fed flesh. The last two times I’ve visited New Seasons they were completely out, and even tried to sell me the “Country Natural Beef”and gave me the pitch I’ve already heard numerous times. |
at the store and hear that speech. See what he says. You know probably know more about the subject them him/her.
“Vegetarian Fed”, what does that even mean? Are other farmers feeding their cows chicken? Animal bi-products? Either way, if it isn’t grass, it's not their natural diet. Cows have a special department in their stomach that has evolved to digest GRASS, not corn or meat.
As Paleo eaters, we are very conscience of what we put into our bodies. We know that we are made from the food we consume, and the food that organism consumes (whether it be plants in soil or animals grazing grass). It’s just as important to feed our food healthy and appropriate foods as it is for us to eat healthy foods.
After ranting, I do feel better. I want to cut New Seasons Market a little bit of slack. After all, they do treat their cows better than most. It’s just irritating how they market the meat in a deceitful way. I like to think that in a world full of corruption and lies, New Seasons Market and Whole Foods are a reliable and responsible source for healthy food and even information for that food.
The Paleo diet is blasting through the lies and thankfully the truth is coming out. More and more people are learning about grass fed beef and how appropriate an evolutionary based diet can fit in with their lives.
As a Paleo dieter, you are already ahead of the game. Keep up the good work, eat healthy, and share your knowledge to your friends and family. In a world that is so easily connected, we can get this information out for a better tomorrow.
P.S. More information detailing why I love Grass Fed Beef coming soon (Health Benefits and Fuel for Building Lean Muscle! )