This is nonsense. Be a independant person who loves to be around other people, but knows he can do it himself; a person who takes responsibility for everything in his/her life and changes what he/she doesn't like.
A healthy diet is one of the greatest steps one can take when regaining their life back. Americans these days don't even think twice about whay they are eating, so long as those hunger pains don't show up mid afternoon.
"I work too much and don't have time to cook" is one way of rationalizing our way out of cooking healthy meals. If that is really an issue, take sunday night and make food for the week. Done. Bring a cooler to work, I do.
"I am too fat to go to the gym, it is embarassing" is another excuse to not exercise. Who ever said you have to go to the gym to get exercise? If you are self-concious of your body, go on a neighborhood jog or through a wooded forest area. Chances are you will not be seen in those areas. When you are ready to show the world the new physique, then make your way into the gym.
There are always ways around our rationalizations, we just need to recognize when we are doing this, and take responsibility for our lives and health to make BETTER decisions.