What makes up a healthy meal? Can you answer that question? You might be able to because you’re here at Paleo [Evolved], however the sad truth is that most people obviously can’t or 35% of Americans wouldn't be obese. I’m going to tell you a secret; just because you cook at home doesn’t mean it’s healthy. |
I hate to say it, but the food in your pantry is crap. I’m guessing it’s packed full of processed foods that make for a great shelf life, but these are foods I wouldn’t even feed my dog because I care about him and his health.
Why Processed Foods Suck
The bottom line is that the more a food is processed the fewer nutrients it will have. Don’t fall for that fortification crap either.
Ever wonder why processed foods say “enriched” with certain nutrients? Why do you think bread is always enriched with iron? It’s because they've stripped away all the good stuff only to leave behind cardboard so you can fill it with other processed foods like deli meat, mayo and a pickle slice (a so-called “healthy” sandwich). | "The more a food is processed, the fewer nutrients it will have" |
You Don't Want to Read This
It gets worse when manufacturers add harmful substances to your food without you realizing it.
The list of hidden ingredients includes HFCS, artificial trans-fat, MSG, and other carcinogenic chemicals to make the food more appealing to you and to extend shelf life. I don’t need to explain why these chemicals are bad for you.
"Hidden ingredients include HFCS, artificial trans-fats, MSG..." | So not only are these substances making you fat but they’re also leading to sickness and disease (even cancer). Even scarier, an unhealthy diet also affects your hormones in a negative way, making it impossible for you to lose weight even with calorie restriction. |
Paleo Versus Processed | A Better Approach
This forces your body to work for multiple hours to digest the food which will keep your metabolism up the entire time! Digestion takes a lot of energy!
Now think about processed foods. With all of the nutrients and fiber removed, your digestive system metabolizes the processed food very quickly and like a champ!
This sounds like a good thing, but in reality this means rather than your metabolism being boosted for several hours, processed foods will only boost your metabolism for a fraction of the time – leading to fewer calories being burned through the thermic effect of food!
This means that not only are you ingesting harmful substances but you are also setting yourself up for unwanted fat gain!
This benefit is two-fold as you will be able to avoid over eating while burning fat the entire time!
What to do Now?
BEEF - It's what SHOULD be for dinner!What you should do is start thinking about the amount of energy you require for the day and think about which Paleo foods would best suit that need!
If you are going to be at work all day (sitting down), an ideal Paleo meal would consist of healthy protein and a source of healthy fat to keep you full and energized. You wouldn’t need many carbs as you won’t be moving around much since you’re working all day. A good chunk of grass fed beef would be ideal as it provides both the protein and the fat together in one healthy package.
A great breakfast would be a few scrambled eggs with onions and peppers, matched with half an avocado. These foods will be slow to digest and keep you full until afternoon! Cook those eggs in coconut oil to get some healthy medium-chain triglycerides!
Now let’s pretend it’s Saturday and you’ll be going on an afternoon hike. You know you will need more energy than what’s required than on a normal work day, so you include hash browns with your eggs for some extra carbs. These could either be sweet or white/red potatoes (small portion is going for fat loss, larger portion for muscle mass).
The eggs will provide healthy protein and fat for sustained energy; however the added carbs will be quicker to digest and be a better fuel source for your hike. They key here however is that the potato has natural fiber included so those carbs will provide more sustained energy as opposed to a quick burst of energy from a can of soda.
Get Your Mind Right
To get ripped and be awesome you have to first invest in yourself! The first investment should be a trip to the store to get some healthy Paleo foods! Smile at a stranger while you’re at it, and if you’re feeling bold strike up a convo - you might learn something!